Peace & Love


It’s no doubt that, for many, the holidays are magical. For others though, not so much. That list might feel like an anchor dropping into the sea and… all of the engagements we’re expected to be present for can quickly zap our energy. Many struggle with not being close to family while others have a hard time being in the same room.

Wherever we’re at in all of this… be honest with yourself about what you can do and let go of what you can’t. Slow down. Say no. Reach out for those who may be struggling this time of year. Or any time of year. If that is you, know that I’m thinking of you. I’m listening.

I appreciate these moments at the end of the year to ruminate on what took place over the last 11 months. Pranagourmet clearly went on hiatus. I realized all that time alone, was well, lonely.

Instead, I focused my heart and energy into teaching full time again. From vibrant, creative elementary students, to thoughtful adults in recovery, and all of those seekers in between. Each shared a desire to be still, to be seen, and be heard.

I’m grateful to all of the new friends I’ve made over the last few months in workshops or otherwise. I promised to share resources with you… I’ve linked some here, but if you have questions about anything specific, please reach out to me.

Here’s to 2019.

Wishing you a clean slate and a tribe that hears you. xo

YogaErin Mulligan