6 Reasons to Love Elderberry Syrup
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Elderberry syrup is a wonderful remedy for fighting colds, flu, and so much more. Made with honey and herbs, it can be taken by spoon, added to tea, or poured over pancakes. It’s easy enough to find a commercial product at your local health food store or pharmacy, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make your own.
Traditionally, Native Americans and ancient Egyptians have long used elderberry for its supposed range of health benefits and culinary purposes. Clusters of tart purple berries are still gathered and used in folk medicine across Europe and North America.
Today, Elderberry is most often taken to boost immunity and to treat symptoms of respiratory infections related to the common cold and flu. Dried berries are cooked down to make syrup, juice, nutritive jams, chutneys, and wine. Be cautious, though, as the bark, the berries, and leaves of the plant are poisonous in their raw state and should always be cooked first.
6 Reasons to Love Elderberry Syrup
1. High in Nutrients
Elderberries pack a nutritious punch and are rich in vitamins and minerals. They’re low in calories and are a great source of dietary fiber and antioxidants. Elderberries are packed with vitamin C, containing 6-35 g per 100 grams of fruit. That accounts for up to 60% of the recommended daily intake.
2. Fights Colds and Flu
Black elderberry extracts have been shown to reduce the severity and duration of the flu, decrease pain and sinus inflammation, and reduce symptoms of upper respiratory infections.
But how?
Elderberries contain hemagglutinin, a protein shown to stop a virus’ capability to replicate by prohibiting its ability to penetrate the cell wall. This may prevent the virus from causing infection if taken before exposure. If elderberry is taken after an infection has been introduced, this might help keep the virus from spreading, or at the very least, reduce the duration of symptoms.
3. Supports Skin Health
Elderberries hold a rich source of vitamins A and C, each shown to retain moisture in the skin and maintain a natural glow. Anthocyanin, the compound responsible for the berries vibrant color, act as an anti-inflammatory. These compounds have been shown to combat natural signs of aging by improving skin's structure and condition. The antioxidants and flavonoids found in the berry can also help reduce damage from oxidative stress in the body.
4. Allergy Relief
The immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties of this superfood make it a great natural remedy for allergy symptoms. The herbs known to remove excess mucus from the body called anti-catarrhals, make this potent berry an effective medicine in clearing up runny noses, congestion, sneezing, and itchy watery eyes.
5. Good Gut Health
There have been numerous studies linking elderberry with immune support via microbial reaction in the gut. Elderberries contain polyphenols, an antioxidant found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, known for their ability to combat cell damage. It’s thought that the health benefits one would get from combining antioxidant-rich foods with a probiotic, would be greater than what could be achieved using each individually.
6. Heart Health
While limited, there is some research suggesting that elderberry may improve cardiovascular health. The anthocyanin found in black elderberry may reduce cholesterol levels while improving HDL function. Another study found that the polyphenols, like those found in elderberry, may be beneficial for those with high blood pressure.