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.: Daily Ayurvedic Rituals :.

In Ayurveda, practicing seasonal routines is one key to staying healthy. A diet and lifestyle that invites qualities that are opposite of the current season will support our bodies natural process of renewal.

To adjust for changing seasons, consider the following:

  • Wake early. To minimize heavy kapha qualities in the body and mind, try waking by 5:30 am.

  • Daily Cleanse. Scrape your tongue each morning after brushing your teeth. If you're prone to seasonal allergies, using a neti pot a couple of times a week (in the spring) or drops of nasya oil (in fall) will help to clear out the nasal passages.

  • Hydrate. Sip warm water throughout the day. This increases the digestive fire (agni) resulting in a better breakdown and assimilation of the things we consume.

  • Move it. If you’re cleansing, it’s recommended that you take things easy. A brisk walk is fine, yoga is fine, but try not to exert too much during these days to allow your body the time to rest and digest. Don’t put your body through more than it needs to. If you’re not detoxing, however, then get a move on. Get your heart rate up. Try a cardio session, go for a run, or do a vigorous yoga practice between 6:00 and 10:00 am. If you're familiar with Kapalabhati pranayama, this is the time of day to practice. The fiery nature will stoke your digestive fire (agni) and prepare the body to remove heaviness that has accumulated.

  • Lighten up. If it's just coming into season - eat it! Our digestion is strong around noon so try and make lunch your biggest meal of the day. Stick to foods that are light, simple and easy to digest during breakfast and lunch.

  • Wind down. Relax. Establish a nightly ritual - sip tea, take a bath, read a book. Try and get to bed by 10:00 pm