The Doshas


The human body is governed by three subtle energies, commonly known as doshas. Dosha means “to cause harm”, however, this is only true when they’re not functioning properly. In balance, the doshas guide all of the processes within the body keeping us in good health.

Doshas cannot be measured in any real sense, but they can be observed and monitored. 

In the physical body, the three doshas—vata, pitta and kapha—mirror the three basic functions of existence. We come into this world (kapha), we live in this world (pitta), we leave this world (vata).

Kapha represents form or creation and is responsible for the architecture of the body. Made up of earth and water, Kapha is hydrating, lubricating, and when balanced, maintains a grounded presence. Out of balance, this energy manifests as lethargy, a dull mood, or feeling stuck. As this feeling continues to grow, signs show up in other places as well. Accumulation of mucus, congestion, colds, gaining weight, are all common signs of a vitiated Kapha dosha.

While Kapha is the principle of form, Pitta is the energy that struggles to maintain the form. Pitta dosha, made up of fire and water, is responsible for transformation, digestion, and metabolism. It transforms food into energy and thoughts into action. Pitta controls the heartbeat, hormone levels, body temperature, and perception. When functioning optimally, pitta is strong, with great ability to concentrate, to teach, and to make good decisions. Out of balance, pitta is stressed, irritable or angry. Physical symptoms might look like a skin rash, ulcers, excessive heat, or heartburn. 

Vata is the force that destroys the form. In Sanskrit, Vata means wind, which is why the vata dosha is known for having the qualities of air and space. Like the wind, vata is the force of communication and movement in the body, influencing the other two doshas. Without vata, both the pitta and the kapha are inert. In balance, vata is energetic, clear, and alert. Digestion and circulation are good. Out of balance, vata can feel anxious or worried, have difficulty falling asleep. The circulation might be poor, with cold hands and feet and dry skin.